Tremor Tantrums
It’s bad news if you’ve got Parkinson’s,
In lots of different ways,
But what occupation would be difficult,
If a bad tremor came your way?
I suppose if you’re a Painter,
And your subject’s sitting still,
Instead of a great portrait,
Call it abstract that’s the drill.
Now a Decorator’s not a Painter,
Unless you’re Michelangelo,
If you specialise in ceilings,
Poor paint work is going to show.
What if you were a Conductor?
Not on a bus, not anymore,
But of a philharmonic orchestra,
Duff notes, you’ll be shown the door!
If you’re Ground Crew at an airport,
With those things like ping-pong bats,
Sending planes to wrong gate numbers,
Ground Controllers having spats.
Or an Army Major-General,
Pointing to a campaign map,
Sending troops in wrong directions,
Invade ourselves, ‘There’s a good chap!’
At least there’s one thing that we’re good
With our Parkinsonian shake,
We can always make great cocktails,
Let’s celebrate for goodness sake!
Used by permission of the author.