Musings From the Pacific Crest Trail…
The serendipitous path, though not of my choosing,
destined for me to trod before the existence of time,
now lies before me in numinous wonder.
My first steps into the wilderness begin an eternal journey,
a spiritual journey, a journey of one taken by many,
alone yet never lonely, full of fear yet never afraid.
As I fix my gaze upon the path before me, I am filled with an
inexplicable joy of being here, or perhaps simply being,
knowing somehow, I will never be the same.
Awe-inspiring, pristine beauty is everywhere, a testament to the
harmony between creation and Creator, unfolding before me
as a precious gift, undeserved, unearned, unworthy, but eternally grateful.
Coyote’s cacophony signals the coming of foreboding darkness,
yet darkness is bathed with the brilliant glow of starlight, cacophony
becomes melody, darkness, as is its destiny, yields to the Light.
The morning landscape surrounding me, cloaked in color,
illuminated by the warm, beautiful glow of dawn provides a perfect canvas,
as the Artist paints a new day, perhaps not unlike the first day.
The smell of coffee, the aches and pains in my joints, the song of
birds filling the air, herald that new day, a new beginning,
my first day of which there is no last.
Photo taken by poet, early morning near Crater Lake
Used by permission of the author.