Within Range

It is in visible, the range,

between the infra, ultra waves,

though rays beyond the human eye,

radio, gamma, micro, X.

So what the light that I reflect –

what spectrum is it I exude,

illumination, candlepower,

lighthouse in spin, blink on and off?

I cannot cloak my Parkinson’s –

invisibility on tap –

determined terms that dominate,

unless some symptoms medicate –

the calmer quiver, further walk,

a better sleep, pills and a glass.


Few see exhausted energy,

insomnia of early hours,

the joints I roll – a vape puff helps –

slide scapula – sounds mafia –

sup tonic, quinine bubbles up.

They cheer, drag racing on the track,

as I play ball to bridge the gap,

both heel and toe, like synchromesh,

attempt, engage first gear at least.

Some give me stick that carry mine,

a tightrope walker balance pole –

feel ferule cat stuck up a tree –

as concentrate to keep in line,

stare pathway, sole on pilgrimage.

Used by permission of the author.

Stephen Kingsnorth

Stephen Kingsnorth (Cambridge M.A., English & Religious Studies), retired to Wales from ministry in the Methodist Church, has had over ...more