Path of Love

I have walked through fire.I have found my faithhigher abovebeing lifted, andcarried by him abovethe one that is love.So many trialstrial by fire,walked through firesTaking leaps of faith.the value and meaningbelieve and carry lovefaith and God above.Gratitude for every minuteI am breathing in and outWalking differentlystill burningnew way of seeingChanges in beingStill learningSometimes the only direction is the only view that is clearEvery step forward with gratitudeFor my friends and familyAnd my father aboveKeep looking upwhere you can see one highest love


Used by permission of the author.

Karen Rosenbaum

Karen is 55 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2019. She lives in Glen Rock , NJ ...more