Our Community Grows

Oh, that’s how it goes
Yes  that’s how it grows 
Parkinson’s enters lives
and our community grows
 this trek that seems for one
doesn’t have to be 
for the struggle that you’re  facin’ 
Well, it bodes the same for me
we still do have a life, 
this PD path, we never chose 
whether we’re young or whether we’re old
Yes, that’s how it goes
Oh, that’s how it goes
Yes  that’s how it grows 
PD enters lives
and our community grows
there’s a choice that we have 
Yes, believe it or not 
We can sit and complain 
about a life that we have not


Or we can take hold of each moment 
It’s still ours as it ought 
whether we fight or give up
Or accept now what we’ve got
For that’s how it goes
Oh yes, that’s how it grows
PD enters lives 
and our community grows
so come join the others   
seek and learn and understand 
you’ll discover support 
from many helping hands 
we are just like you
yet we’re one of a kind
our uniqueness is special 
please don’t leave it behind 
Community, our bond 
a welcoming place 
A common unity we share
a caring heart, a smiling face  
For that’s how it goes
Oh yes, that’s how it goes
For each life PD enters 
Our community grows
Oh yes it grows, our community grows
You won’t need a ‘scrip’
Doesn’t come in a pill
Just be who you are
We all fit the bill
Yes, community is more 
than a locale or a place
It’s sharing a journey, 
each new day, our own pace 
Parkinson’s enters lives
and our community grows


Used by permission of the author.

Shane McPhee

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s (PD) in October 2011, Shane, since then,  has found a growing interest in writing stories or poems ...more