‘Of all things’, says the Nicene Creed,
‘visible and invisible’,
thus PD joins created list,
so if God’s there, an answer please?
Maybe that’s part, invisible,
my body’s intake as a youth,
too much x, or not enough y,
some algebra as bones were knit?
I was, they say, known fore the womb –
there tell-tale signs towards the tomb?
It shook me up when told the news,
met freezing point, stepped out of line;
life’s pace a drag, trained journeyman,
deck shuffle, cards, gamboling lad.
My launch pad, foot ball firmly pressed,
no anchor, steady as she goes.
It tips the balance, taking stance;
the mason’s path, less set in stone,
meet greeting, handshake, then it’s known.
Used by permission of the author.