God’s Grace is Enough
“I knew it, before I heard it,
Always trust your gut instinct, “You have Parkinson’s”. Doctor, tell me something I don’t know, Parkinson’s starts in the same place (gut) Lewy Bodies folding; axioms aflamed; dendrites adrift Words you never want to hear You know, an “Atomic Event”; a club you don’t want to join, The rest of your life blown up “Normal” is not normal anymore, Your life will never be the same No known cause, no known cure, Perseverance builds hope, through character What will the new normal be? God’s Plan, not mine! F.E.A.R. (Future expectations appear real) sets in, A loving wife, children and friends’ prayers begin I was happy being a warlord of commerce, I did not know I could be loved so much The thrill of the kill; the taste of blood, I learned that my life is not about me! Unwanted tremors shake digits, “Shaken, not stirred” reaches other’s hearts Now thoughts disappear mid-sentence, Will I be able to live, what I used to preach? Emotions ignited, tears at the drop of a word, “Disease Ambassador”…..now set free Night Terrors, the Tiger-man is loose Oh, the peace that passed all understanding Fatigue, too tired to sleep, More “On” than “Off”, Drugs three times a day, everyday They just mask the symptoms, why do I even pay? Quiet, small voice…What did you say? Kinder, gentler words sing from my mouth Swallowing, choking, and a lot of drool, God’s grace, oh what a powerful tool Gone are hoop teams and tying my own flies, Try something new…the view from a 14’er, priceless My life is not falling apart, It is falling into place The Warlord of Commerce’s creation, smashed into bits, Now I can build the mosaic of my life My Life is upended, Just as God had intended for me!