Susan Beth Lehman

Susan started performing as a child and worked in theatre and film her whole professional life. She holds a BA in theatre and an MFA in Acting both from UCLA. She helmed her theatre company for 10 years where the proceeds were donated to charities. Her book, Directors: From Stage to Screen and Back Again, is in the permanent collection of over 400 libraries. She is an award-winning screenwriter and spent the last 20 years of her professional life teaching at universities. Since “retiring” she has worked as an advocate in the PD community. She serves on the board of The Parkinson’s Council of Philadelphia. She instigated the PD peer support program at the University of Pennsylvania, consulted on the program at Jefferson Hospital, and with the team created the peer support program with And, she believes in delighting in something every day.
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.” Helen Keller.