Morton Kondracke

A journalist for more than 50 years, 45 of them in Washington, Morton Kondracke has covered nearly every phase of American politics and foreign policy, and has done so in newspapers and magazines, on television and radio. He is a commentator on the Fox News Channel where he was seen nightly as a Fox All Stars panelist on Special Report and weekly co-host of The Beltway Boys. He is senior editor and columnist for Roll Call, Capitol Hill’s feisty independent newspaper. He currently holds the Jack Kemp Chair in Political Economy at the Library of Congress.
Mr. Kondracke is also a former panelist on The McLaughlin Group, an “original” and 16-year regular on the NBC/PBS public affairs show, seen on 350 stations nationwide. He is the author of Saving Milly; Love, Politics, and Parkinson’s Disease published in 2002.