A Raw Moment
I awaken some nights in trepidation.
My left hand shakes and vibrates me to consciousness. Do I just need to go to the bathroom? No. What is it?
I sense the Dark Place.
I open my eyes and gradually perceive the faint, golden glow from the salt lamp that is lit 24/7.
I listen and hear all the usual and comforting night sounds. I don’t smell anything unusual that would cause alarm. Ha, I rarely smell anything anyway. So, I think.
The Dark Place?
Truth be told, I fear joy has abandoned me, but I tell myself, “No, that’s not possible.”
Breathe. Breathe again. My lips don’t move, but I smile. Joy gives me breath. Fear dissipates. Relief.
I pull free of the darkness, comforted by love. And joy. Joy resides in me! God is my joy and He will not abandon me.
The Dark Place is banished for now. I wait for dawn and arising to go about another day. Grateful.
Photo by David Banning on Unsplash
Used by permission of the author.