
I believe that people are fundamentally good.
I believe that beauty is all around us. Just look for it.
I believe that one should seek to act with integrity rather than honorably,
That showing up is an underrated attribute in a person and as an aspect of a well-lived life,
That the one who puts the finishing touches on his life every day always has plenty of time.
I believe that proof undermines faith rather than supports it,
That things happen every day for no good reason at all.
I believe that the fewer powers we ascribe to God, the more powerful he becomes.
I believe in Santa Clause, in child-like wonder and everyday magic.
That staying present is a difficult but important skill to master.
That sometimes the healing comes before the cure.
Rather than rage against the dying of the light, let’s love to the last breath.

Used by permission of the author.

Christopher Lion

Christopher Lion is founder and Editor-in-Chief of Previously he was a Managing Director at The Mather Group and Chief ...more