Finding Mother

Living loss that both shatters and
guides. A young girl lost in the
wood follows a compass to find
mother at due north.

In dreams she appears.
Follow signs, pick up clues–
a heart rock on the beach,
a feather on the path amongst trees.

Listen to the gentle lapping of
waves against the shore, the
old moon’s reflection bouncing off lake waters,
night skies with stars that pop and explode.

“I am here.” the wind whispers.
Dance, sing, write poetry.
You’ll find me in each word
and sound. Listen. See with the heart.

I never left you, Precious One.
For love never dies, only transforms.
Is found in stardust, in raindrops
that fall from stormy skies.

Carry me with you.
Never doubt or question.
For a mother’s love transcends
all worlds and galaxies beyond.

In realms with no ticking clocks.
Exists in shades of gold and
light rose. It arrives at
the beginning and end of time.

Close your eyes.
Trust the night as your own,
enter the world of dreams and
converse with the Eternal.

Let us walk together
Be as One, transcending
all names and limits.
To remember only,
     it’s all love.
It always has been.

Used by permission of the author.

Linda Gould-Faber

Linda Gould-Faber is a recently retired psychotherapist with a career spanning over forty years. Her work with individuals, couples, families ...more