
Today I am bitter
Like a rhubarb pie
That needs sugar.

Some would say Tart
but that is something different
And I am not feeling at all
like a tart today.

Bitter, yes, with a touch of irony.
Anger lurking just below
the surface,
The water line
Where the jelly fish hide and
Sting you to immobility.

I try to embrace my bitterness
Knowing this too shall pass
Not analyzing too deeply Allowing it in
but not offering it a cup of coffee
or to remove its coat.

This bitterness means
I can feel
And that I am still alive
And still effected by the world around me.

Used by permission of the author.

Grace Heim

Marketing professional and Parkinson bad-ass, Grace Heim uses her creative side as a form of therapy. Writing, photography and dabbling ...more