Ode to (Hopefully) Our Friendship
Wishing for that friend who can suffice
to meet me where I am. Oh, I allow
too often I am holier-than-thou
It’s tougher than Titanic’s meet with ice
My ego’s competence is imprecise
Assuredly I’ll battle you and sigh,
cussin’ mad. My inner lunatic:
tantrums; venting spleen so prickly-quick
excelling at the insults I let fly —
Why can’t you just concede, eat humble pie?
It’s true — you do not care to hear my piece
It’s obvious — you take me for a joke!
Your lack of understanding does provoke
It’s you who lets the quarreling increase
You’d rather not apply the elbow grease
It sure as hell’s not I who is at fault
You need some therapy — affirm my stake!
Whoever’s not yet woke — let him awake
But all at once it comes as a gestalt
To view me through your eyes — a thunderbolt …
Forgive me, friend. May I reap peace of mind
And bear myself as of the upper caste
Please love me, though I gaffe and step half-assed
Please ever see my flaws and yet be blind
True friends — when frank — are nobly not unkind
Used by permission of the author.