
Avivir4sure “Let’s live life for sure” is the translation for the pseudonym I chose for the first PD support group I joined in 2016. The plan was to join for a few months to work out a few acceptance issues I had with having been given the same Dx. as MJF, Mohammed Ali, Linda Ronstadt, Janet Reno, etc. Well, that was 4 years ago. I was lucky enough to run into an awesome group PDFU, which stands for PD Fighters United. It’s founder Mark Monroe really meant F***U. This group nurtures the fighter in me and it introduced me to alternative medicine, plus a most excellent study by Dr.Laurie K. Mischley. That’s where I identified myself as a positive deviant. It just fits me. Check out my biography on my Facebook page. My cartoons are a journal of my journey. If you are all about self awareness, optimism, resilience, “reality checks”, and honestly believe laughter is the best medicine, go to my store… get yourself a little something. All proceeds go towards travel expenses to visit my friends and purchases at Habitat for Humanity in Chalfont/Doylestown Pennsylvania.Frames, doors, chairs, styrofoam, salvaged wood, etc…anything that catches my eye to re-purpose it with paint. Oh! that reminds me check outvrepurposewpd.com

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