I swim in a sea of thoughts.
I struggle to keep my head
Above water. It’s so heavy.
My strength is failing.
“There’s no drowning here!” I tell myself
So I swim on full of anger.
Look over there! Land in sight!
I swim…
I don’t want to drown.
Heaps of thoughts in my head.
What am I supposed to do with them?
I see a sign there
That says:
Happy Head Company
We buy bad thoughts at the best prices!
Contact us! Walk-ins welcome!
I enter.
The doorbell rings.
I am greeted warmly
They make an attractive offer.
I get a new head.
Scrubbed clean of fear and anxiety.
I ride the bus home
With a pillow from space research
As a bonus for being among the first orders.
The whole thing is so cheap!
Barely a hundred euros.
I pay and am thoroughly rewired
It roars and hums and shakes a little
After a short drive, I arrive home.
And feel free!
I look forward to tomorrow:
To a day without worries!
And if the Happy Head company should ever go under, because of its heavy load,
I have invented something and will patent it promptly:
The thought washing machine!
Fear, pain, sadness and anger go in at the bottom.
Then comes the wash cycle and all becomes clean!
I see love and friendship, hope and courage
That appear above together with foam.
You can hardly believe it, but everything will be fine!
Used by Permission of the author.